Notre Dame Fund 2024-2025
Your gift to the Notre Dame Fund will make a difference in the educational opportunities provided to our students.
When you contribute to the Notre Dame Fund, you invest in our students, ensuring they have access to the best education and opportunities. You empower our faculty and staff to continue their work, inspiring young minds and nurturing future leaders.
Tuition alone does not cover the full cost of a Notre Dame Prep education, nor does it allow us to offer competitive salaries to our dedicated faculty and staff.
Unlike other schools, we do not receive regular support from the church or government. Instead, we rely on the generosity of our parents, grandparents, alumni and friends to make our mission possible.
Be the difference between good and great. Gifts of any size will help shape the lives of our students as Christian People, Upright Citizens, and Academic Scholars.
We invite you to make a contribution in one these ways:
ONLINE: Make your gift online using a credit card, Apple or Google Pay, Venmo or bank transfer.
CHECK: Mail a check payable to “Notre Dame Prep” to: Notre Dame Prep, Fr. Colin House, 1389 Giddings Road, Pontiac, MI 48340.
DONOR ADVISED FUND: Recommend a grant to “Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy,” a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and our tax ID is 47-1174704.
CHARITABLE IRA ROLLOVER: Instruct your IRA administrator to make a check payable to “Notre Dame Prep” and mail to the address above. Call 248-630-7720 for more information.
APPRECIATED SECURITIES: Gifts of stock and mutual funds can be made to our Merrill Lynch brokerage account by electronic transfer. Visit https://www.ndprep.org/stockgifts.